Friday, April 10, 2009

Jurry Duty Blues...

Ok so I got called for jurry duty for the first time yesterday. Oh my gosh what a long day, I sware that was the longest day of my life. I had to be at the court house at 7:45am and had to be there a full day weather I got called for a panel or not. Well of corse with my luck I got called for the first panel of the day. I walked in to the room as juror #3, and I was thinking "oh CRUD, I am going to be on this jurry..." I mean who wouldn't like me and all my wisdom and oppinions I have to share with everyone...? Well I'm home today becasue I luckly got excused, I guess it's a good thing when the defense lawyer and the judge don't like how you answer questions. But I am totally ok with that. I am going to Utah with Jill and her family for Spring Break and being liked and on a jurry would not be my idea for spring break fun. SOOOOOO Utah here I come.


  1. Good for you, Nessa. Hey, let me know when you're leaving for Utah and... don't come back Mormon :)

  2. Can I just tell you how happy we are you didn't get put on a jury?? We are stoked!

  3. Lucky you on getting jury duty hahaha! Hope you all had a nice Easter and hope your having fun in Utah! Sorry Lindsey and I couldn't stop by, member who's birthday it was that day? yeah, exactly. Call me when you get home so we can have a little blogging party! Ciao
