Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Our week spent with Jared!!!

Jared stayed with us while mom and dad went on a hike with church. He was really well behaved and we had a lot of fun hanging out with just J. Don't get me wrong we love love love all 3 kids we just don't usually get one on one time with just Jared!!! Thanks for a fun week Jared, have so much fun in Hawaii and don't forget your favorite babysitter when you go to Costco in Hawaii...

First in line baby!! and early on top of that!!

Taught Jared a new game Garbage and he loved to play!!

Jared needed a little hair cut... So excuse the way I look I just got done working out!!!

Heyyyyy Cathy 2 days in a row first in line!!!

After the entire school said the pledge Field Day started. Jared was in a few of the events he did a really really good job!!!

After Field Day we drove to Charise's house to swim and let Jared play with the kids...

We Chocolate dipped all kinds of things and of course Jared LOVED it!

Note to parents: when you are leaving your children with someone tell them if their kids have any weird sleeping habitats like not sharing the bed and grinding teeth...
Gail loved spoiling Jared... He told us we were treating him just like a king...
We had one fall that drew blood... Jared was such a trooper even though his lip was 3 times its normal size!

House sitting for the Allingham's Jared had so much fun swimming every day and playing Lagos and just being able to choose what he wanted to do. He wanted to help Charise and pick some of her tomatoes and peppers....

1 comment:

  1. Looks like Jared and you guys had a lot of fun!!! Thanks for posting fun pictures! :)
