Monday, April 19, 2010

Disneyland with The Fongalongs....

Annette and I took the Fong Kids to Disneyland last Thrusday, Jared was still on spring break and their passes were going to expire soon... We went for the entire day and took the kids on rides that we would usually not go on.. They were so well behaived and we all had a blast!!!

Lizzie's scared face for Spalsh Mountain.. She hates this ride and wont go on it if Lucas is around because she knows that someone has to stay off with him..
Lizzie is not the biggest fan of this ride but she will go on it and just hold on really tight!!!

Annette Jared and Lizzie went on Big Thunder mountain... Cab u spot them?

Lizzie loves Jack and the Villians...
I bought them Mickey hats because they were behaving soooo well!!!! They all loved them even Lucas kept his hat on all night..

Lucas's new thing... to show you where his boogers are!

While Jared Lizzie and I were on Soran Over California Annette and Lucas went to the Anaimation room...

We took the kids on the Mickey's Fun Wheel... if you ask me there is nothing fun about this ride!!! Jared liked it tho!

Lizzie and I were holding on for dear life... I forgot how much I hate this ride!!!! NEVER AGAIN!!

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