Sunday, December 13, 2009

Lizzie's Dance Show!

Annette and I helped out back stage at Lizzie's dance recital. Lizzie is taking Tap in our friend Sarah Lemmon's dance classes. Sarah always does an AMAIZING job!!!... and this was no acception all the kids did really well! Lizzie's group of nusery tap did a dance to Roudolf the Red Nose Raindeer. GREAT JOB LIZ U ROCK!!!!! We are so proud of you!
Sweet Sweet Liz!!!
Lizzie and Zoe
Macy Lemmon

1 comment:

  1. i think yall need to update yo profile pic to the new fam bam xmas photo!! come o now get with it I even got a whole new blogg, for my loyal follwers, love yall
