Tuesday, October 11, 2011

HMMMM Only Big Z...

My mom and I were out of town in Utah visiting some friends and we left my dad and Annette home alone to fend for them self's.... Well I guess this is my dad needing a candle stick holder and finding one (even tho there is 7 of them on the shelf right above this picture)

Our little Dental Assistant...

Annette was accepted to the Dental Assistant program at her school this year. She is super excited and loves most moments of it. It is defiantly keeping her very busy with very long school days, but she is learning a lot and can't wait to get finished with the program and start working. She has to do 300 hours in a dental office before the program ends in June. She started externing at her Ortho office and loves it.. We are so proud of her, but miss her a little bit because she is gone so much during the week for school... You go Net Net!

Walt Disney World 2011

In September I went on a trip with my Friends Elizabeth and Jason to Walt Disney World... It was so much fun. We went into every park and it wasn't to crowded so we got to do everything we wanted and more... I will have to add more pictures at a later date most of the pictures are on Elizabeht's camera or on my phone... (: