Monday, June 28, 2010

Happy 30th Mandy!

Mandy trned 30 so we wanted to get together and throw her a little birthday. We had it at or hose and had all of or friends from elementary school come over. Apparently we didn't take any pictures of us girls but here are pictures of the desserts.

PinaColata Cup Cakes

We Chocolate Dipped strawberries, cookies and pretzels oh and gummy bears in both white and brown chocolate.

These are Cosmo Cupcakes

We made a special drink in Mandy's Honor we called it "The Dandy Mandy" it had
Lemon Aid
it was sooooo DELICIOUS!!!

Mandy and all her desserts! This was the one thing that made her so happy, well that and The Dandy Mandy!

Happy 30th Mandy I hope you had such a GREAT birthday party! Love You!

Carter 's Gradation from Pre-School...

Let's think about this YMCA the blue stars on our flag go on the top not the bottom!!!

Charise got an award for being a helping hand parent in the class room.

Look at the name... charise MARIE Allingham

Congrats Carter, Good luck in Kindergarten!!!!