Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Carter's 5th Birthday Invite...

I can't believe my little Carter is turning 5.... :( He is so big and so much fun!!! I took the pictures and put together his Thank You cards and his invites, and I am pretty dang proud of them...

Thank You card Front and back

Invite Front and Back

Favorites of the Hoosac and Deveroux kiddies!

You guys were so great Thanks for letting me take your picture....

oops the forgotten Easter egg hunt...

During Easter time this year we had Rome and Gage over to Dye eggs and have a mini Pre Easter, egg hunt. We had so much fun those boys are a RIOT!!! We started the day by playing Wii they are loving the game Annette got me for my B-day, Just Dance. And then we ate lunch which you will see all over Gage's face (he didn't want to clean it off he was to excited for the egg hunt) and then I let the boys pick which colors they wanted to dye the eggs and we got going. After the egg dying when I was hiding eggs out side Annette played Wii with them and then the egg hunt started. Sooo much fun, love hanging out with those boys!!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Margarita+US= Fun Fun Fun!!!

Annette, Brandi and I had a girls night the other night. We made dinner and broke out the Margarita Machine... YYYYUUUUMMMMMYYYY!!! After dinner we played Wii, so very fun. Then the girls thought it would be fun to lay on top of me and SMASH me!!! Let me just say my lungs are still not recovered!! Fun Night Can't wait to do it again!!!