Wednesday, January 20, 2010

California isn't use to this!

I love the rain, and I didn't have to work today!!! But oh my there was hail, lightening, thunder, tornado warnings and oh yes RAIN!!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I'm Playing Catch up....

So here is a little of what you have missed while I was being lazy and not bloging!!!!....
Girl Scout Christmas...
- Every year we get together with our friends that we have had since Elementry School, at Kennedy Elementry. This year we went to the Versluys house for dinner drinks and appatizers and then we went to Napels for Christmas light viewing and hot chocolate and then back to the Versluys house for dessert and gift card exchange.... SOOOOO much fun. We love getting together with these girls!


Annette's 22nd Birthday!
-we went to Disneyland to get Annette's money and have dinner at the Blue Buyou with Brandi and Kristine.

Zylstra/Haagsma Famly Christmas at Crystal Cove...
*more photos to follow

Annette got her Braces off for the second time!