Sunday, August 23, 2009

Random Day of FUN!

Today Cassie and Carter came over to play with the boys. We decided that today we were just going to stay home and have relaxing fun. The kids made Wind Socks with Gail, swam in the blow up pool, ate, danced and watched a movie. It was a pretty nice relaxing day!

The boys are really on this "healthy food" kick, I think that is partly my fault I guess they are listening when I say "let's eat a healthy snack". This tho has turned into always asking if something is healthy, and if they really want it they will say "this is healphy, food is healphy".

The boys must have had a really good time today. They fell asleep with in 10min of Annette and I putting them in bed! WHOOHOO!!

Yummy Yummy SMORES

Yesterday durring the day we went to Grandma Joan's to go swimming, the boys had a blast and they both did really well with swimming with out floties! Good luck Bob and Jill, they have gotton really brave! When we got home we ate dinner and made smores for dessert the boys loved them! They enjoyed helping Bill put wood into the fire. They did a really good job being safe around the fire, and they cooked their own marshmellow's. Suer Yummy!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Beach Day

Today we went to the Beach with Becky, Georgia and Grandma Joan came and met us there. It was a pretty ovecast day and started to sprinkle and one point, but the kids still had a lot of fun. Georgia was so intertaining she wanted to go all over the place and loved following the boys all over, but because the sand is uneven and she is still just walking it made for some pretty intertaining fun! Thanks Becky for letting us come over and go to the Beach!

After the beach we came home showered and got ready for bed time, ate yummy spegitti that Begail (gail) made. After dinner we told the boys they had to clean up Gage put the dishes in the dishwasher and Rome swept the floor!